Hello, World!
a.k.a. Trying this again with a more personalized look!
Jan 21, 2025, 08:34 AM AST
I am attempting to start a personal website/blog again, but this time, it's being hosting on Nekoweb instead of github.io. Also got this sweet layout going.
What's cool about this is the posts for this site is still being written on Markdown, but instead of using your typical on-the-shelf static site generator, I've made my own! It's just a simple Python script which reads the *.md
files and transforms them into a *.html
file based on a template I've written, nothing special, nothing too fancy, just my own tech so I could actually know what it's doing, plus if I need to add something, I can simply just implement it! If you want to see the original markdown file used to generate this exact post, Just replace the .html
on the address bar into .md
! This will work on any post I publish here! Cool, huh?
Hopefully I will start writing more posts about my life and tech adventures in here, so I hope you can forward to them!